Solstice Blessings from Hoodoo.News

Hoodoo Psychics Newsletters

Deacon Millett: Notes and Comment
Papa Gee's Classic Conjure: Hoodoo-Up Your Christmas Wreath
Now You Can Save the Date
Divine Catatonia With Dr. Jeremy Weiss: Messages From The Other Side
Deacon Millett Brings Good Fortune: Bayberry Candles A Christmas eve Tradition

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Hoodoo Psychics - Winter Solstice 2021
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Our hearts go out to those suffering as the year comes to a close. But the season is known for the darkest night of the year, and our  knowledge that longer days will soon be with us.

If you're not following us on Facebook, now is the time. Each Monday, we give away one free reading to a lucky commenter! Don't forget to drop by for your chance each week. It's also a great way to see who's on the line, since many Hoodoo Psychics post when they start taking calls.

In this issue, we've got several upcoming Zoom events, including a great workshop with Papa Gee tomorrow AND a get-together with Dr. Jeremy Weiss on Christmas Day. 

   •  Papa Gee's Classic Conjure: Hoodoo-Up Your Christmas Wreath
        (December 19 at 5:00-7:00 pm CST)
   •  Office Hours For Your Favorite Hoodoo Psychics
   •  Divine Catatonia With Dr. Jeremy Weiss: Messages From The Other Side
        (December 25 at 5:30 pm PST)
   •  Bayberry Candles: A Christmas Tradition With Deacon Millett

Stay safe. Stay warm. We're here when you need us...

Many blessings,

Deacon Millett

Papa Gee's Classic Conjure        

Hoodoo-Up Your Christmas Wreath

Join me for a Wicked Conjure Workshop, December 19, 5:00-7:00 pm CST, when I'll teach you how to find the magical opportunities in your merry-making. For instance, you can give your Christmas wreath a Hoodoo protective "flair" with:

HOLLY:  Means "holy" and was used at Yule in Druid and Scandinavian pagan paths. It is said to protect the home and bring in good luck. Often placed above a doorway for protection and to invite in helpful spirits.

MISTLETOE: Used to keep away evil and enemies, as well as prevent "love jinxes."

FERN BRANCHES:  Ferns are to prevent evil from entering the home and for reversing hexes.

BAY LEAVES AND BRANCHES: Often found in more decorative wreaths, many may not know that by including bay leaves in your door wreath it is said to ward off evil and drive enemies away. Write petitions on bay leaves and burn in fireplace.

PINE: Use pine branches for the wreath itself or adorn with pine cones to keep away ghosts and other unwanted entities.

Any of the above botanicals can be added to your holiday wreath along with specific Hoodoo oils. Anoint the branches with oils such as PROTECTION to keep out dark forces. HOUSE BLESSING is a great formula to bring good luck, joy, and blessings into the house.  Sachet powders of the same type can be added to the wreath by blowing them onto the branches. 

This is just one of the hoodoo tricks I'll be teaching in my Zoom class, "Christmas Conjure - A Wicked Yuletide Workshop," along with how to hot foot your Christmas cards; altering cookie recipes for love, favor, or to expel enemies; turning your ornaments into amulets of protection; and transforming those gingerbread men into "voodoo dolls." Join us on December 19, 5:00-7:00 pm CST.
A practitioner of the magical arts for 30 years, Hoodoo Psychic Papa Gee's readings are  down-to-earth, truthful, and straightforward. Call on him today!
Angela Horner: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, 3PM-6PM EDT 
Dr. Jeremy Weiss: Mon-Fri, 2PM-7PM EDT    
Elle Duval: Wednesday, 11AM-2PM EDT    
Evan Lionhart: Thurs & Fri, 12PM-4PM EDT
Heidi Hilton: Tues and Thurs from 6PM-9PM EDT
Lady Muse: Daily, Noon-Midnight EDT
Madame Nadia: Sunday, Noon-2PM EDT
Mama Vergi: Daily, 11AM-7PM EDT
Miss Cat: Fri, 6PM-10PM EDT & Sat, 4PM-10PM EDT
Miss Elvyra: Friday, 11AM-12PM EDT
Nathe: Mon-Sat, 5AM-7AM & 10AM-3PM EDT
Papa Newt: Tues-Fri, 9AM-11am EDT  
Sister Jacqueline: Wednesday, 4PM-10PM EDT
Divine Catatonia With Dr. Jeremy Weiss

Messages From The Other Side

December 25th at 5:30 pm PST, you are invited to see an actual hiner plet ritual live via Zoom at the Temple of Miriam. 

After reaching a state of "devekut" (fusion with the divine), Dr. Jeremy will give answers to your questions about your past, present, and future!

You won't want to miss it!

Hoodoo Psychic Dr. Jeremy Weiss is a popular lecturer on both Jewish magic and conjure. Learn more about him at Hoodoo Psychics!
Deacon Millett Brings Good Fortune
Several of my clients asked me this year for bayberry vigil candles, so I purchased some bayberry root chips and bayberry oil and set out to fashion these green money and house blessing candles.

I'd heard the poem many times, of course, and even gave Lady Muse a set of bayberry-scented lights to celebrate her shop opening. But little did I realize that the fixed vigils and scented candles seen most often were based on a much older tradition, dating to the colonial era.

The berries of the wax myrtle shrub, grayish white and waxy, can be boiled down into a brittle wax. It takes about four pounds of berries to make one pound of the light olive green wax, which is clean burning and deliciously scented, unlike the tallow candles used in colonial times.

Saved for special occasions, these candles came to be associated with Christmas and New Year's Eve. Try as I might, I can't date the poem's origins, but it does accord with the traditional use of bayberry in conjure!

I pray the holidays are warm and bright for you all.

Hoodoo Psychic Deacon Millett is the author of Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells and Hoodoo Return and Reconciliation Spells. Visit him at