Spells For a Long Hot Summer Hoodoo.News

Hoodoo Psychics Newsletters

Deacon Millett: Notes and Comment
Reserve Your Ticket Now at: Virtual Hoodoo Heritage Festival
Evan Lionhart On Inviting Calm: Keep Peace Around You And In The Home
Rev. Sister Jacqueline With Traditional Conjure: Mirror Box Spell
“Art is a wound turned into light.” ~ Georges Braque

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Hoodoo Psychics - Spells for a Long Hot Summer 2020
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Summer is nearing an end, but things don’t seem to be cooling off much, with fire and flood and plague to contend with. 

Calls for equal justice are still being drowned out by the shrieking sound of sirens, and political divisiveness and some of the hottest days on record keep piling up, like melting wax.

Strange days indeed when back to school means seeing your children off to the dining room table in the morning.

But remember, while they are learning remotely, they are also getting a jump start on a future where telecommuting is the norm. The young have an advantage, accustomed as they are to playing and socializing online.

Learning from the children, and knowing that we are all safer at a distance for now, we’re getting ready for our first virtual Hoodoo Heritage Festival, from Friday October 16th at 9am through Sunday the 18th at 6pm (PDT).

Inside this edition of the Hoodoo News, we'll learn from Sister Jacqueline how to deal with someone who needs a good look in the mirror, explore tranquility magic with Evan Lionhart, as well as discover a unique artist-created Grief Deck, to help families affected by Covid-19.

Please stay calm, safe, and well during these turbulent times.

Many blessings,

Deacon Millett

Reserve Your Ticket Now at HoodooHeritageFestival.com

Our 13th Annual Hoodoo Heritage Festival has moved online! Learn from the comfort of your own home without travel and hotel costs!

  • Virtually attend our 3-day Festival on Hoodoo Heritage, African-American folk magic, and spiritual spell-casting!
  • Receive 15 one-hour hands-on hoodoo training classes, including instant access to written materials by PDF.
  • Rewatch videos at your own pace to improve your learning experience. 
  • Schedule readings from your favorite presenters.
  • Ask questions, socialize, and make friends with multiple live hospitality suites.
  • Plus, the first 120 U.S. residents will receive a box in the mail filled with books, supplies, and everything you need for the workshops -- a $210 value! 


Learn practical hoodoo from top rootworkers, renowned authors, and folk magic experts from around the world, including Ms. Robin, Miss cat yronwode, Miss Michaele, Lara Rivera, Richard Webster, Dr. J. Alton West III, Rev. Jon Saint Germain, Madame Nadia, ConjureMan Ali, Rev. Tony Iacoviello, Dr. Jeremy Weiss, Papa Gee, Lady Muse, Miss Athena, and other special guests.


Hacks, Tips, and Tricks for Your Altar Work; How to Contact Your Angels; Skull Candles and Skull-Proxies to Influence Others; Uncrossing Yourself; The Guiding Light to Power and Success; The Black Arts of Hoodoo; Psychic Sex Magic; Crafting a Doll-Baby for Love, Help, or Harm; Tea Leaf Reading; Magic Spells in Boxes, Bags, Bowls, and Jars; Hypnosis; Bibliomancy; Spiritual Baths; Powerful Petitioning; Manifesting Success and Prosperity.

If you are new to hoodoo, this intense festival will give you the confidence to move forward with certainty. Experts will be sure to learn invaluable, never-before-shared tips and tricks.

Tickets are on sale now for only $280 (or two payments of $140). Registration increases to $300 on September 16th. http://virtual.hoodooheritagefestival.com/


Evan Lionhart On Inviting Calm

Keep Peace Around You And In The Home
As an astrologer, a major factor I consider when planning spellwork is the position of the planets. This month, we are not just under the influence of five retrograde planets, but also that of Mars, the god of war and action. As he spends the next five months in his home sign of Aries, themes and events of conflict and tension will become increasingly apparent in our day-to-day lives.

While this transit can be tense, we can take comfort in the fact that we are spiritual workers. This clarion call can serve as preparation so that we're able to best smooth rocky situations, working to instill tranquility where needed. Below is a short but handy guide to help you do just that, especially if your spirit requires some relief from the heat.

Some go-to products for inviting peace:
  • Tranquility oil: for imparting a sense of calm to people and situations
  • Van Van oil: to improve a situation or change it for the better
  • Cascarilla/Eggshell powder: useful for personal protection when dealing with other people's energies
  • Balm of Gilead: smooths relationships; fosters peace and understanding
  • Lavender: to calm and cool someone's spirit
  • Clove buds: great for burning away animosity and discord

Tranquility Herbal Wash Formula

Use this formula as a weekly wash to keep peace at home and flare-ups to a minimum. This can also be employed as a bath!

On a Friday morning, boil equal parts Lemon Verbena, Lavender, Balm of Gilead and White Rose Petals (if available). Add a few drops of Tranquility oil and pour some of the herb water into a spray bottle.

Mop your home from the back to the front with the mixture, spraying where possible in those hard to mop areas, such as delicate carpets, cabinets and upholstery. Once done, burn some Vervain on charcoal, allowing the smoke to fill your home. 

Once fully suffumigated, open all the windows and doors to allow any tension to waft out. To invite harmony and prosperity into the home, sprinkle a combination of Kosher salt, Balm of Gilead, and Pennyroyal at your front door, sweeping it in and throughout your home. This will help to keep things tranquil as well as protect the positive energy you've created in your abode. 

Wishing you a productive and peaceful September!


Let Evan Lionhart inspire you with a personal reading on Hoodoo Psychics! Heartfelt conjure and traditional rootwork are his specialities.

Rev. Sister Jacqueline With Traditional Conjure

This spell is to aid and assist you in making someone (your intended target) look at what they have created, look at others, or look to themselves. It is a way to channel your energy to a focal point in order for you to "put your thumb on them" and make them realize the harm they are creating. This will "surround" them with words, accusations, and the truth of the matter.

Items needed:
  • 4 12-inch square mirror tiles (get at Lowes or Home Depot)
  • 1 White 7-day "novena" type vigil candle in glass
  • 5 Photos or images of the face of the intended target
  • Petition in your own words
  • Food Coloring or Ink pad
  • Duct Tape
  • Dry Erase marker (like the ones used on whiteboards in classrooms)
  • Lemon Juice or Florida Water
First, clean off candle your candle -- outside, inside, the wax top, and wick -- with lemon juice or Florida Water. Set aside to dry.

Take petition paper and write what you want to happen. For example: "Bobby Joe, I want you to see how you are dogging me out and always making time for everyone else in the world and leaving me for last." 

Lay the four mirrors side-by-side on a long table to form a long mirror rectangle. You will be writing across the four mirrors as if writing on one long piece of paper. Starting on the far left, you will be writing across the top of each mirror (moving from far left to next right, then the next right after that, and then the far right) before going back to start the next line on the far left again. If you run out of things to say, you'll repeat your sentences until all four mirrors are completely full.

Begin writing with the dry erase marker the words with which you want to surround your intended target. For example: "Bobby Joe, I want to you feel guilty about leaving me alone most nights to go out drinking with your friends...I want you to miss my company and realize you did me wrong...You need to see you have a drinking problem...I want you to see that your partying is getting in the way of our relationship..." etc.

Again, you will be writing left to right across the four mirrors, moving back to mirror one (far left) when you run out of room on mirror four (far right). Write small and repeat your sentences over and over again until all the mirrors are covered.

Flip mirrors over and tape with duct tape strips to each other. Make sure there is a wee gap between each mirror to give it the ability to bend into a 90 degree angle. When the taping together is done, you should be able to set it upright and make a "box."

Now tape the intended target's photos to your candle glass, one on each side, so the face is visible from all sides of the mirror box.

Take the fifth photo of the person and turn it over to write your intention on the back. It can say things like, "see yourself through my eyes with the behavior you have been showing me" etc.

Take your thumb and press it on the ink pad or dip it in a bit of food coloring. Put your thumbprint over the face of the 5th photo and, once dry, place the photo under the candle with your original petition.

Apply oil of Clarity, Clear Sight, King Solomon Wisdom, or other similarly suited spiritual oil to the top of the candle wax (inside glass) and rub counter-clockwise.

Light candle and let burn continuously or light for a while then snuff it out to re-use another time. If snuffing out, use brass or metal snuffer or place ceramic plate over top rim of candle and wait until extinguished. Never blow out your candle.

Prognosticator, purveyor, author, and educator, Rev. Sister Jacqueline (ex 9999) is one of the many fine readers with Hoodoo Psychics. Read more on what she can do for you in her biography page on Hoodoo Psychics or reach her at 1-888-4-HOODOO ex 9999 on Wednesday evening from 5pm to 10pm Eastern Time and most Saturdays and Sundays.

“Art is a wound turned into light.” ~ Georges Braque  

Please back Grief Deck: An Artists' Card Set for Communal Grieving on Kickstarter! It will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Wed, September 16 2020 12:01 PM EDT.

In these disastrous times, in which grief has well over 100,000 names, a group of artists is collaborating to create a large format Grief Deck, to give comfort and to raise money for those who have suffered loss of loved ones due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The deck of 50 cards by individual artists serves as a focal point of healing and meditation, with prompts to guide us in the grieving process. Each card is designed to address and acknowledge our deepest, most personal -- and shared -- grief.

The project is being produced by the Artists Literacies Institute and artist Adriene Jenik, in support of the NYC VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster). Your support and your sharing of this worthwhile project is deeply appreciated.
Angela Horner: Daily, 2PM-5PM EDT 
Evan Lionhart: Thursday & Sunday, 2PM-5PM EDT
Lady Muse: Daily, Noon-Midnight EDT
Madame Nadia: Sunday, Noon-2PM EDT
Miss Cat: Saturday, 4PM-8PM EDT
Miss Elvyra: Thursday 1PM - 2PM EDT
Papa Newt: Weekdays, 6AM-8AM EDT
Sister Girl: Weekdays, 2PM-10PM EDT
Sister Jacqueline: Wednesday, 5PM-10 PM EDT